How Are Surrogate Mothers Screened?

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If you are considering becoming a surrogate mother with IVF Origen Agency, you may be curious about the screening journey you will go through and whether you will meet the necessary requirements to move forward. To be eligible to meet with intended parents, our agency adheres to state requirements and our own terms of eligibility to ensure that the surrogates we match intended parents with are the right fit for this journey and will have the best chance at producing a successful outcome. Screening is an important first step to ensure you are the right fit for surrogacy and the individuals you may be helping build a family, and our agents can help you understand the process and whether you qualify.

IVF Origen Agency is a surrogacy agency based in the United States and Mexico that helps guide surrogates through the screening process. When it comes to our screening process, our overall goal is to ensure that the journey is as positive as possible by ensuring surrogacy is the right fit for you and your lifestyle. To learn more about the surrogacy screening process and the journey in general, contact our team at IVF Origen Agency today.

What Are the Requirements to Become a Surrogate Mother With IVF Origen Agency?

Before you begin the screening process for surrogacy with IVF Origen Agency, you should take the time to look into whether you meet the requirements for surrogate mothers. To qualify for the chance to be matched with intended parents as a surrogate mother, you must meet the following requirements:

  • All surrogate mothers must be between the ages of 21 and 40 years of age
  • Surrogate mothers must undergo comprehensive medical and psychological evaluations to assess their overall health and mental well-being
  • Surrogate mothers should have previously carried a pregnancy to term and given birth 
  • Surrogates should have a history of uncomplicated pregnancies and deliveries
  • Surrogates should maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and avoidance of harmful substances
  • Surrogates must have a BMI under 32
  • Surrogate mothers should be non-smokers and should agree to abstain from smoking during the pregnancy 
  • Surrogates should have a strong support system, whether that is a spouse or other family member
  • Surrogates should have no history of serious criminal offenses
  • Surrogates should be legally eligible to enter into a surrogacy agreement

Once you have determined whether or not you are qualified to be a surrogate mother with IVF Origen Agency, it is important to keep in mind the time frame involved with the surrogacy journey. The entire surrogacy journey from start to finish can take between 12 to 13 months in total, with the first three months typically being spent doing paperwork, legal work, and exams. To get more information on surrogacy and whether you may be a good fit, contact our agency as soon as possible with any questions you may have.

What to Expect From the Surrogacy Screening Process

Screening for surrogacy exists to help ensure that potential surrogate mothers are the right fit for the exciting journey ahead if they qualify to be matched with the intended parents hopeful to build a family. Some of the services you can expect to experience when going through the surrogacy screening with IVF Origen Agency surrogacy include the following:

Birth Records

Prospective surrogates must authorize the release of birth records from any previous pregnancies. This is because our agency requires all potential surrogate mothers to have prior successful pregnancies with no major complications.

Background Checks

Our team of surrogacy agents will run criminal and child abuse background checks to ensure you have no prior convictions that might impact the safety of the surrogacy journey.

Counseling and Support

Surrogate mothers will be asked to meet with a psychologist to determine that they are emotionally healthy enough for the challenges they may face throughout their surrogacy journey. During these sessions, you will discuss any potentially difficult feelings you may experience during pregnancy and after the delivery. Ongoing counseling and support services will also be available to you throughout the surrogacy journey and after the child is born.

In-Home Assessment

A licensed social worker will meet with prospective surrogate mothers in their homes. During the visit, they will discuss your motivations for surrogacy, any fears or concerns you may have regarding the process, and your partner’s commitment to surrogacy if you are married. This visit helps the social worker get to know you better and ensures that you are a good fit for our agency and the intended parents you could be matched with before moving forward.

Medical, Social, and Drug History

When working with our agency, you may be asked to submit self-disclosed medical, social, and drug history information to our agents and the intended family you may be matched with. 

Medical Workup

Surrogates must complete medical tests, including a pap smear, uterine check, STD testing, and a drug screen.

If you have additional questions regarding what you should expect when undergoing the screening for surrogacy, reach out to our surrogacy agency for more information.

Learn More About Becoming a Surrogate With IVF Origen Agency

We at IVF Origen Agency understand that surrogacy is a journey that allows women to give one of the most selfless gifts to intended parents who want to build a family. To ensure your surrogacy experience is as joyful as possible, it is important that you have complete knowledge of the screening process you will partake in. 

IVF Origen Agency is a surrogacy agency helping women interested in the surrogacy journey learn more. We are proud to be able to offer our surrogacy services at a fraction of the cost you would pay at other agencies. Contact us today for more information on becoming a surrogate with our agency by calling 786-460-3815 or filling out our contact form today! We also speak Spanish.