Fort Lauderdale Egg Donor Agency

The path to parenthood should be a joyful and exciting time for intended parents, but this journey is not always easy. If you have unexpected challenges or need help starting your family, you have several options, including egg or sperm donation and surrogacy. Whether you are a single intended parent or a couple wanting to build a family, our experienced team at IVF Origen Agency is here to guide you through every stage of the process and provide the exceptional services you deserve. 

We are a premier donor and surrogacy agency that has helped over 840 babies come into the world, helping families in over 70 countries. With this global approach and a 94.8% success rate, you can trust us to help you achieve your dream family. Our commitment to excellence, rigorous screening process, and dedicated team that works hard to build meaningful connections with intended parents allows you to focus on the joys of building a family with peace of mind.

Start Your Journey Today

What This Page Covers:

  • Comprehensive Options: IVF Origen Agency offers egg donation, sperm donation, and surrogacy services tailored to intended parents’ unique needs, with a personalized approach to every journey.
  • Rigorous Screening: All egg and sperm donors, as well as surrogates, undergo extensive physical, genetic, and psychological screenings to ensure compatibility and health.
  • Agency Benefits: When you work with an agency, you can focus on building your family, while the professionals handle every detail of your journey. This comprehensive support from a knowledgeable team gives you a positive, seamless experience.
  • Why IVF Origen Agency: We offer affordable services, a diverse donor database, and seamless guidance with a high success rate and a commitment to building trusting, meaningful connections.
  • Contact us today at (786) 460-3815 or fill out our contact form to begin your path to parenthood.


What Services Does IVF Origen Agency Offer Intended Parents?

At IVF Origen Agency, we offer comprehensive services and unwavering support for intended parents. We take a personalized approach, creating a plan tailored to your unique needs, preferences, and situation. The options intended parents can pursue with the support of our team include the following:

Egg Donation

If you want to start building your family but have been diagnosed with infertility or cannot get pregnant naturally, egg donation may be the right option for you. Our caring team takes the time to understand your specific requirements for an egg donor and finds the perfect match from our top-notch donor database full of healthy donors who have met our high standards. 

Once you select your donor, you can decide whether to use fresh or frozen eggs. With the fresh egg donation process, the donor and recipient must synchronize their menstrual cycles before the eggs are retrieved, fertilized, and implanted right away. Frozen eggs, on the other hand, are retrieved from the donor to be used at a later date, making this a more flexible option.

Sperm Donation

Like the egg donation process, intended parents choose a sperm donor from our database who has gone through our detailed screening process. The donor’s sperm is used to fertilize donor eggs or the intended parent’s eggs to create embryos that get implanted into the recipient. Unlike traditional sperm banks, IVF Origen Agency is dedicated to your family’s needs. 


Surrogacy is a process where a woman carries and gives birth to a child for intended parents. If you pursue this option, we will help you find your surrogate match. All our surrogates have undergone physical and mental examination, genetic testing, and other screenings. When you find a match you connect with, we prepare the surrogate for pregnancy, create embryos if needed, and provide continuous guidance at delivery and beyond.

What Requirements Does IVF Origen Agency Have for Egg Donors and Surrogates?

Donating eggs or sperm and becoming a surrogate is one of the greatest and most selfless gifts. However, this journey is not for everyone. IVF Origen Agency has many requirements to ensure our donors and surrogates are of the highest quality and meet the most particular intended parents’ standards. 

Egg  and Sperm Donors

Any egg donors in our database have met the following criteria:

  • Between 19 and 30 years of age
  • Body mass index below 27.5
  • No tobacco use or history of substance abuse
  • No history of generational diseases
  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Free of any genetic disorders
  • Willing to undergo psychological testing
  • Committed to the process and making appointments

Sperm donors in our database have similar requirements to ensure they have no genetic disorders. Their samples are tested for STDs before being cleared for use. Both egg and sperm donors receive genetic counseling, where they discuss their extended family health history to ensure they are compatible with the intended parents who match them.


The requirements for surrogates vary based on their program, country, and state regulations, but some common criteria for women wanting to become surrogates include the following:

  • Between 21 and 40 years old
  • Physically and emotionally ready for pregnancy and birth
  • Previously carried a pregnancy to full term and gave birth with no complications
  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Healthy body mass index
  • Non-smoker
  • Stable mental health
  • Strong support system
  • Altruistic motivations
  • Passes a criminal background check

Because every intended parent is different, we take the time to understand what you look for in a surrogate and your preferences for your journey to find a match you trust and connect with.

5 Benefits of Working With IVF Origen Agency for Intended Parents

Whether you decide to use an egg donor or a surrogate to build your family, it can be challenging to know where to start, even if you are well-researched. With the help of the trusted team at IVF Origen Agency, you do not have to navigate your journey alone. We can make a significant difference in your experience in the following ways:

  • Affordable Services: Our services are 50% less expensive than IVF/Surrogacy in the U.S. because we use Mexican surrogates and egg donors.
  • Diverse Donor Database: Our premier donor database offers a wide range of donors with different backgrounds and physical features, so you can find a match that best suits your preferences.
  • Smooth Process: We strive to make your journey to parenthood as smooth and stress-free as possible, so our attentive team handles all the details and allows intended parents to focus on the joys of building their families.
  • Friendly Team: With years of experience working with all types of intended parents around the world, our friendly team has the knowledge needed to answer your questions and help you choose the right option to build your family.
  • Thorough Screening: All our donors and surrogates undergo a detailed and comprehensive screening process to ensure they are physically and mentally prepared for the process.

We understand you may have questions about the best path forward to build your family. Reach out to us today to discuss your goals and how to start your journey to achieve your dream of having a child.

Begin Your Journey to Build Your Family With IVF Origen Agency Today

At IVF Origen Agency, we are committed to providing intended parents with the expertise, support, and personalized guidance needed to make the family-building journey smooth and fulfilling. Our experience helping families worldwide, combined with our diverse donor database and rigorous screening processes, ensures you receive the highest level of care every step of the way. Whether you’re exploring egg donation, sperm donation, or surrogacy, our team is here to help you make informed choices that align with your values and goals.

Working with IVF Origen Agency means trusting a dedicated team that’s focused on helping you build your family with compassion and reliability. From personalized plans to continuous support, we’re with you every step of the way. Contact us today at (786) 460-3815 or fill out our contact form to begin your path to parenthood.